Who works for whom?

Working with a Buyer's Agent is free of charge. The Buyer's Agent is paid from the proceeds of the sale, from the commission that is charged to the Seller. Because of this many people ask, "If you are my Buyer's Agent, for whom do you really work for?" This is an understandable concern, however, the answer is quite simple: We work for you!

Regardless of how we get paid, we are committed to you throughout the entire purchase and cannot share any pertinent information regarding your purchase.

Why does it benefit us to work only for you?

Our goal is not to make a quick sale and walk away. Our goal is to gain you as a client for life. We want to be with you throughout all of your milestones from buying your first home, to buying a vacation home, to buying investment property. We look forward to being committed to you and becoming your partner for all your real estate needs.